
The injection Kybella is a non-surgical option that is used to “melt” fat. This injectable treats submental fat, which is more commonly referred to as a “double chin.” Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring product in the body that breaks down dietary fat. Kybella is injected in multiple spots into the area of concern, and upon injection, the fat cells’ membranes are destroyed, so those cells will no longer accumulate or store fat.

After the treatment, there can be swelling, tenderness, and redness of the neck, which can be visible for up to a week. Kybella is administered via a series of injections (20 or so) via a small needle. Final result appear approximately 1-3 months following injection. 2-3 treatments may be needed for desired results. Treatment time is usually 20-30 minutes

Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid using Retin- A, retinoids, or similar vitamin A compounds, harsh scrubs or exfoliating products, or bleaching creams 2 days prior and 2 days after your treatment

  • Do not apply any creams, lotions, perfume or makeup etc. to the treatment areas on the day of treatment

  • To decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment, ensure you have had a recent meal, including food and drink, before your procedure. Please warn the provider if you have a history of fainting.

  • Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications 10-14 days prior and 3-4 days post treatment: Aspirin, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil Supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.

  • Do NOT consume alcoholic beverages 1 week prior to treatment (alcohol may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising).

  • Consider taking Arnica tablets beginning 1 week prior to injections to prevent bruising.

  • Avoid extreme temperatures of heat for 24 hours post treatment (i.e. Jacuzzi, hot showers etc.).

  • Do NOT consume alcohol or sodium for 3 days post treatment to avoid excess swelling.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours post treatment